Zo Skin Health Ultra Hydrating Comfort Cream 113g
Product Details:
A high-efficiency moisturizing cream specifically designed for dry, sensitive, and fragile skin.
Provides long-lasting hydration to keep the skin soft and smooth. Helps improve the condition of dry and fragile skin. Enhances skin barrier function, reducing allergic and irritation responses. Offers comprehensive soothing and moisturizing. Leaves the skin feeling comfortable, soft, and smooth.
How to Use:
Apply to clean, dry skin.
Product Details:
A high-efficiency moisturizing cream specifically designed for dry, sensitive, and fragile skin.
Provides long-lasting hydration to keep the skin soft and smooth. Helps improve the condition of dry and fragile skin. Enhances skin barrier function, reducing allergic and irritation responses. Offers comprehensive soothing and moisturizing. Leaves the skin feeling comfortable, soft, and smooth.
How to Use:
Apply to clean, dry skin.

medicube PDRN 粉紅胜肽膠原蛋白安瓶 30ml
Trilogy 維他命 C 活力噴霧爽膚水(暗沉肌膚) 100ml/3.3oz
CytoSkin 藍銅胜肽修復精華
mesoestetic 專業抗炎退黑面霜 50ml
✓ 同時淡斑去印+增加彈性
✓ 2週美白淡斑*PDRN安瓶
✓ 美白淡斑去印效果
✓ 有效提升肌膚彈性
- 適合暗淡膚色和缺水的人士
- 抗氧化能力強的維他命 C,有助於提亮膚色
- 柑橘精華助提神醒腦,依蘭花則有助於平衡,你的膚色和舒緩
- 讓肌膚感覺容光煥發、精神煥發和充滿活力
CytoSkin 藍銅胜肽修復精華來自瑞士,藍銅胜肽可以幫助皮膚傷口癒合,刺激膠原蛋白增生,緊緻皮膚,亦能均勻膚色,滅少色素,滅少皺紋,是一瓶萬能的修復精華,任何膚質都適合使用。
專業抗炎退黑面霜 為敏感皮膚帶嚟舒適同修護
- 即時舒緩:有效減輕紅腫同刺激!
- 強化屏障:提升肌膚防禦力,減少敏感反應!
- 修復滋潤:補水保濕,提升膚質,重現健康光采!

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